Land Survey Records would like to bring to the attention of our users and interested media the collection of articles by Bob Aaron, highlighting the importance of a land survey in any real estate transaction. Click on the link below to access his Toronto Star archives.
Press Releases
Land Survey Records would like to bring to the attention of our users and interested media the following article by Bob Aaron, highlighting the importance of a land survey in any real estate transaction. Click on the link below to read the entire article.
A survey can save you major hassles
Records Searching Announcement
Effective immediately, Bennett Young Limited, C.E. Dotterill Limited, Krcmar Surveyors Ltd. and Speight Van Nostrand & Gibson Limited are pleased to announce that our survey plans are available on-line from Land Survey Records Inc. (LSR) and can be accessed at Please see detailed records list attached.
We kindly ask that you use this database and website for requesting survey plans rather than contact us directly. You can always contact us for field notes after you have purchased the corresponding Plan online or if you have any questions about a particular survey. As a Surveyor, you may access the LSR website and purchase plans at a special rate (less than the rate to the public). Please use the following login and password to access all plans available to surveyors:
Login: Password:
LSR Benefits include:
- Accurate municipal addresses for searching (versus LSRI)
- 24/7 low cost internet browser access to 500,000 plans
- User-friendly guidelines and searching support
- Time saved searching, accessing and purchasing plans
If you have any questions or require any assistance using the Land Survey Records website please don't hesitate to contact LSR directly at
Bennett Young Limited C. E. Dotterill Limited Krcmar Surveyors Ltd. Speight Van Nostrand & Gibson Limited
Bill Bennett Brad Warren Sasa Krcmar David Wilton
Effective January 15th, 2007, following Survey Plans are available on-line:,

** Most Plans Available Online **
- D.R. Barchan (1985-1998)
- Foreht & Gutri
- G. Glenday
- J.S. & J.M. Leitch
- L.S. Loginsky
- N.W. Moyles
- R.A. Silvera
- Winters, Maughan & Glenday
- W.S Winters
- Winters & Ireson
- M. Wong
- Wildman, Hadfield, Stewart Ltd
- P.J. McGuinness
- H.G. Rose
- R.I. Burton
- L.C. Millesse
- Millesse & Burton
- Wilson And Bunnell
- Krcmar Surveyors Ltd.
- Unwin Murphy And Esten Ltd
- Dunning and Taylor Limited
- D.H. Black Limited
- James & Wandamense
- D.D. James OLS
- E.W. Petzold Limited
- Tom Drzic Limited
- Skranda Limited
- R. Stephenson Limited
- Diego Fazio Limited
- James H.W. Hwang Limited
- Gerhard Becker OLS

** Most plans available on-line **

** Recent Plans Available On-Line**
Land Survey Records would like to bring to the attention of our users and interested media the following article by Bob Aaron, highlighting the importance of a land survey in any real estate transaction. Click on the link below to read the entire article.
Make land survey part of any deal
To All Land Professionals:
The following is extracted from a continuing education seminar presented by Izaak De Rijcke to approximately 500 lawyers on January 19, 2005. The material is titled Search and Survey Issues Relating to Title Insurance and subtitled Title & Off-Title Searching for Lawyers.
About a year ago, a searchable database of "off-line" plans of survey became available. The opening browser page at appears at Appendix 5. If a lawyer is not provided a plan of survey, or if an existing plan is illegible, a "clean" copy might be available using this search utility.
...the emergence of this new source of survey plans (which land surveyors previously refused to copy or release) may create a new practice in conveyance.
We are pleased to provide Land Professionals within Ontario with this information.
Peter T. Raikes, BSc, OLS, OLIP, CLS
Land Survey Records Inc.
As part of our ongoing promotion of Land Survey Records Inc. and our Associate Members we requested that Mr. Timothy A. Brown of ROI Corporation provide us with a written opinion on the impact the Land Survey Records Inc. system has on a Surveying Firm utilizing the system to its maximum potential.
There is a direct input of cash flow to firms using the Land Survey Records Inc. system and an increase in the fair market value and saleability of the firm. The attached PDF file is the opinion letter that Mr. Brown has written.
Mr. Timothy A. Brown is the President of ROI Corporation since 1994. ROI Corporation provides appraisals of Professional firms in Canada. They have done this for the Dental, Legal and other professions.
Mr. Brown has been the speaker in many seminars across Canada in the Dental, Legal, Financial, Accounting, and most recently the Surveying Profession during the month of November 2004.
He is highly regarded on subjects impacting Professional practices.
We are please to provide to our Associate Members with this information. Please feel free to use the information contained in the letter for your own practice.
Peter Raikes, B.Sc., O.L.S., O.L.I.P., C.L.S.
Land Survey Records Inc.
As a follow up to Land Survey Records Inc recent announcement of a new solution to Survey Office Workflow Management, I want to provide you with detailed information about LSRTime and outline the benefits that LSRTime will bring to your firm.
- Employee time entry is quick, simple and ensures that all "times" are entered and appropriately assigned. In addition, all time entries are easily assigned to multiple projects by a single click. This means that typical "lost time" downloading onto the total stations, before the crew leaves in the morning, is captured at the project level.
- Billing is flexible. "Hours", "rate" and "comments" can be adjusted before you create the final work record. The "fit" feature permits you to match hourly activities to the estimate.
- Disbursements are tracked "per project" and "per parcel". These can be disbursed, or not disbursed, as you choose.
- WIP (Work In Progress) Reports are created instantaneously showing what work is not yet "billed". Unbilled work on projects can be entered by applying the appropriate hourly billing. Added consideration can be given to calculating unbilled work when projects are based on estimates.
No other package available gives you the opportunity to increase the profitability of your business. No other package provides more details and simplicity in operation.
Try LSRTime, free for 30 days or for a 30-minute demonstration by phone and web conference, call toll-free 1-877-214-9302.
For detailed product specifications visit
Land Survey Records Inc.
Business Development Manager
- or-
Visit Land Survey Records’ Website at:
"We've got Plans"
Contact: Land Survey Records Inc.
Land Survey Records Inc. Announces an Integrated Time and Billing Management System
Barrie, ON - August 30, 2004. The world's first comprehensive on-line repository of land survey records,, is operational in the Province of Ontario. Records continue to be added to the database at a rate of over 1,000 plans each day.
Peter Raikes, President of LSR Inc. recently introduced LSRTime, a complete web-based solution for managing client, project, employee expenses and profit. Raikes announced that "Land Survey Records Inc. now offers a complete solution for managing the surveying office workflow right from creating a job; to the archiving; and filing of the final completed electronic images. This new time and billing management solution is available at its own web site,".
Raikes went on to say that, "because of the extensive capabilities of LSRTime, land development professionals can test the software using a special feature that creates a fictitious company to explore the features and benefits of LSRTime".
Dale Eplett, a co-founder of LSR INC., stressed that "LSRTime can be used by survey firms not yet using the Land Survey Records Plans Depository. Records created in LSRTime can be transferred into the database whenever the plans are scanned and uploaded". Eplett pointed out that, "this makes the introduction of LSR Time to Land Survey Records’ Online Plans Storage component quick and easy".
Background information on Land Survey Records Inc. is available from:
Land Survey Records Inc.,
Visit Land Survey Records’ Website at:
"We've got Plans"